Upcoming Events

Adare Christmas Tree Festival
As part of the Adare Christmas Festival, St Nicholas Church are hosting a Christmas Tree Festival on the weekends of 7th/ 8th and 14th/15th December.
We are currently inviting individuals, clubs, organisation and businesses to be part of this festival by entering a Christmas Tree with a title that reflects their organisation or craft. These will be Christmas trees with a difference and entry is free. We are encouraging everyone to consider recycling, upcycling and sustainability in their entry, but no fresh trees should be used. No idea too small or too big - knit, build, make, design, the sky is the limit - most of all we want everyone to have fun and be creative.
There are several ways to get involved, we will be looking for volunteers to help with teas, stewarding, set-up etc. During the festival we will host a Christmas themed shop and we would really appreciate contributions of jams, chutneys, Christmas wreaths and any Christmas related products.
The Tree Festival will be open to the public over the two weekends with an entrance fee of €5 or €10 including afternoon tea.
Those who wish to enter a tree on behalf of a business, club or as an individual should do so by 22 November please. Details required are
Contact name
Name of Entry,
Name of club or business if applicable,
Contact details email and number
There will be a Christmas Stall with items for sale and we would welcome donations of Jams, Chutneys, Christmas Puddings, Christmas wreaths or centre pieces or crafted decorations.
Items for a Raffle please, all the usual items. We are making hampers too so items for that. If you're involved in a business you might like to donate a voucher or some appropriate item.
Manual help needed on December 2nd at 6pm for setting up of boards etc and general lifting and carrying.
Volunteers needed over the weekend of 7th/8th and 14th/15th for helping with teas, stewarding in church etc. Please let us know which day/days you are available.
Tray Bakes. No large cakes or tarts please,
For further details contact:
Meriel Clarke – 087 263 4110, Janet Bray – 086 3996689, Janet Ryan – 087 2226771

Reverend Readers Book Club
meets in the Manor Fields clubhouse to review "The Daughter of Time" by Josephine Tey, chosen by Sue.

Concert - Cantabella Children’s Choir
Mon, 1st July - at 8.00pm, in St. Nicholas Church, concert by Cantabella Children’s Choir.
Cantabella Children’s Chorus is a non-profit organization located in the Livermore Tri-Valley of the San Francisco Bay Area.
CCC strives to foster and promote the appreciation of choral music in the community through performances at:
annual holiday and spring concerts
local corporate and civic functions
churches and community outreach in collaboration with other musical organizations
annual holiday and spring concerts
Concert - Jaskane in Concert
Fri, 17th May - 7.30pm, in St. Nicholas Church, Jaskane in Concert - A vibrant fusion of fiery Argentinian tango to soulful Breton and new Irish tunes.

Leipzig University Choir
Leipzig University Choir are on a short tour of Ireland, and we are very pleased to be able to host this talented choir. Please click on the link for the choir’s story - https://www.unimusik.uni-leipzig.de/universitaetschor

Institution of Rev. Kevin O'Brien
The proposed date for the Institution of Rev. Kevin O’Brien as rector of Adare / Kilmallock Group of parishes.
More details as we approach the date.

Bell Ringers Concert
The talented Ringers and Singers of the First United Methodist Church (Florida, USA) will give a concert of hand bell ringing and singing.

Lady Silla's Open Garden
Lady Silla Harrington is opening her gardens to the public on Sunday June 19th in aid of Kilpeacon and the Granagh Community - All welcome to come and stroll around these beautiful gardens.

Book Launch
Many months of writing, editing and re-editing have borne fruit. Canon Liz’s book is ready!

Table Quiz
St. Nicholas’ NS Adare
Parents Association
are hosting a superb Table Quiz
at the Treehouse
Fitzgerald’s House Hotel
on Friday 12th May 2023
at 7.30pm
€40 per table of 4
Cash Prizes
All are very Welcome

Easter Services 2022
We have not been able to have Easter Sunday services in our church buildings since 2019. We therefore celebrate the return to an Easter Sunday service and invite all to join us! Each of our churches will have a service. Click on Read More to see the schedule. Note that all the service times are different from the usual Sunday service time.
Christmas Services 2021
Christmas services in our group of parishes are listed here. These are what is planned, and we hope that they will take place! We remain aware that if any restrictions are imposed in Ireland because of the Covid-19 pandemic, that these plans may change. If they do change, this page will be updated.
Services on Sunday, 19 December 2021
The services on this Sunday, 19 December, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, are as follows:
All Saints Joint Service
On 31 October, we will have one joint service for all our parishes, in Adare at 10.30am, to remember those who have died, in observance of All Saints Day.
Harvest Services
Harvest services will be held in all the churches this autumn. Three will be on Sunday morning, and one on a Wednesday evening. The services on Sunday morning will be Morning Prayer.
The services are as follows:
Adare — Wed, 6 Oct, 7.30pm.
The preacher will be the Rev. Leonard Madden, the new Curate at Limerick City Parish. We look forward to welcoming him to our parish. Please note that the number we can have in the church, with the new regulations, is about 75–90 people (50% of our total capacity).
Croom — Sunday, 10 October, 9.15am
Kilmallock — Sunday, 10 October, 11.00am
Kilpeacon — Sunday, 17 October, 11.00am
Kilmallock Easter Vestry
The Easter (General) Vestry of Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Church of Ireland, will be held following a worship service at the church on Sunday, 13 June. The service of Holy Communion begins at 11.00am, with the Easter Vestry coming at the end of the service.
One item on the agenda is to discuss the report of the Ministry Review Group of the Diocese. This group has been examining how to approach the future of ministry in the Diocese. The report is attached HERE. At the meeting, we will discuss this report and answer any questions.
All members of the parish are urged to read the Ministry Review report and to attend the meeting.
Adare Easter Vestry
The Easter (General) Vestry of the Union of Adare, Croom, and Kilpeacon parishes will be held following a joint worship service at St. Nicholas Church, Adare, on Sunday, 30 May. The service of Holy Communion begins at 10.00am, with the Easter Vestry coming at the end of the service.
One item on the agenda is to discuss the report of the Ministry Review Group of the Diocese. This group has been examining how to approach the future of ministry in the Diocese. The report is attached HERE. At the meeting, we will discuss this report and answer any questions.
All members of the parish are urged to read the Ministry Review report and to attend the meeting.
Game Night online
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Game Night via Zoom, so that we can see one another and have a bit of fun together! You can’t go to the pub, or see a parade, so celebrate in a different way!
Lent Class with the Cathedral
A Lent class or group will be held this year via Zoom, joining in with other churches, and led by the Cathedral Chapter (a group of clergy with different roles in the life of the diocesan Cathedrals in Limerick and Killaloe).
The class will be on the five Anglican marks of mission:
To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
To respond to human need by loving service
To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
The class will be held on Tuesdays, beginning on 23 February, the week after Ash Wednesday, at 8.00pm and lasting for about an hour, or less. Five different members of the Cathedral Chapter will each lead one of the sessions.
If you would like to participate in any or all of the sessions, please email Dean Sloane at St. Mary’s Cathedral for the Zoom information.
Ash Wednesday via Zoom
Worship service for Ash Wednesday via Zoom. A service sheet to download, or read along with, will be available here.
Contact Rev. Liz Beasley if you would like to participate so that she may send you the Zoom information.

Mission Sunday 2020
Mission Sunday is an effort of the Diocese of Limerick to raise donations for a charity each year. Traditionally it takes place on the Last Sunday before Advent. We were not in church on that Sunday, because of Covid-19 restrictions, but we are still having a Mission Sunday!
For our Mission Sunday in 2020 we decided, in January, to support a home-based charity connected with mental health — in hindsight a very appropriate project. We selected two charities working in this area. In the meantime we have learnt that, since March, the demand for their services has in one case increased by 40 % — a sobering thought!
Harvest Services
We will be having Harvest services this year, despite Covid-19. However, they will be during the usual Sunday services, rather than joint services at other days and times. (But notice the time change for Adare.)
Easter Vestry meetings
A plea — please come to an upcoming Easter Vestry meeting! These are very important, especially this year.
Kilmallock — Sunday, 30 August (that is this Sunday!), at 11.00am
Adare / Croom / Kilpeacon — Wednesday, 2 September (next week!), at 7.30pm at St. Nicholas, Adare.
Both services will be in the midst of a worship service, to abide by Covid-19 restrictions.
August Service Schedule
The schedule of worship services in August 2020 is posted here. Please check back, as the schedule may change, depending on Government guidelines, advice from the House of Bishops of the Church of Ireland, and availability of Lay Readers! Please note that even though a church may have opened for worship, it may not have worship every single Sunday.
Worship in Adare
After a shutdown of three and a half months, we anticipate being able to return to worshipping in church on 5th July. We will begin with just one parish, in order to get used to what must be done in returning to church, to stay in keeping with protocol issued by the Government. So our first worship service will be at St. Nicholas, Adare, on Sunday, 5 July, at 10:30am.
Carol Service
A Carol Service will be held in Kilpeacon Church, as a joint service of the Adare, Croom, and Kilpeacon parishes. The service will combine readings and Christmas carols. All are invited.
Christmas Services for 2019
The Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services are listed here. There will be a Holy Communion service in all of the parishes for Christmas.

Ceremony of Carols
The choir from St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork, will be presenting Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, with additional seasonal music, at St. Nicholas Church on Saturday, 7 December, at 6.00pm. Tickets are €10 at the door. Children free.