Rector's Musings

Occasional musings of the Rector. 

Read a chunk of the Bible daily

Here’s a way to read some fascinating things, in about 15-20 minutes each day: Read a large chunk of the Bible each day. It will give you some things to think about!

I have mentioned before that every day Kirk and I read the Bible lessons of the day, using the Daily Lectionary (a system of reading the Bible) for the Church of Ireland. We have often said to one another, as we read, that we notice that this system hits the high points, or the main stories, but leaves out many passages.

So a few weeks ago, we undertook a plan to “read the whole Bible in a year.” There are a number of systems for doing this, as I found on the web. We chose one in which we read the Bible chronologically — in other words, the Old Testament passages given for a day are listed in the chronological order in which they occurred, as near as can be determined. And it’s a 5-day-a-week plan, so you have two days each week either to take a break or to catch up.

Each day we read several chapters from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament, and sometimes a Psalm. I recommend this!

It is a powerful thing to read extended passages from the Bible. One gets a much better sense of the whole story. I also recommend using a study Bible (a Bible with footnotes that explain some of the more obscure passages).

And I will caution you in reading the Book of Genesis: it’s rather X-rated! Let me say a word about that: I have had people ask me before (especially when they read Genesis) if people in the Bible aren’t meant to be models for our behaviour. But the Old Testament especially is descriptive, meaning that it describes people’s behaviour and their interaction and relationship with God. It is not prescriptive — meaning that it is not telling us that we are meant to behave exactly as they do. Really, it is describing human life and human nature, so it should sound all too familiar!

The system that Kirk and I are using is attached HERE as a PDF. It starts with the first week of January, but you can start any time. It’s easiest to keep up if you start on a Monday.

If you try it, let me know how it goes! If several people want to chat every week or two about what you’re reading, I could set that up on Zoom. Let me know.