December’s Sunday schedule is always a bit different, because of various special services. Here is a summary, along with a listing of the special services during Advent and Christmas:
Sunday, 9 December
Croom, Holy Communion, 9.15am
Kilmallock, Morning Prayer, 10.00am
Kilpeacon, Sunday School play and Holy Communion, 10.30am.
Adare, Morning Prayer, 12.00pm
Friday, 14 December
Christmas Carol service in Adare, 7.30pm
Sunday, 16 December
Croom, Morning Prayer, 9.15am
Kilpeacon, 10.30am
Adare, Holy Communion, 10.30am (note different time!). Sunday School will also meet.
Kilmallock: No morning service! Christmas Carol service at 12.30pm, with the children building a nativity scene. Christmas Dinner afterward in the Deebert House Hotel, about 2.00pm. All invited to both events. Cost is €20 per adult and €10 per child. Please let Jessie Griffin know if you wish to attend.
Sunday, 23 December
Croom, Morning Prayer, 10.30am (note different time!)
Kilmallock, Holy Communion, 10.00am
Kilpeacon, Morning Prayer, 10.30am
Adare, Holy Communion, 12.00pm
Monday, 24 December, Christmas Eve
Holy Communion in Croom, 7.00pm
Tuesday, 25 December, Christmas Day services, all Holy Communion:
Kilpeacon – 9.30am
Kilmallock – 10.00am
Adare – 11.30am
Sunday, 30 December
Morning Prayer in Kilmallock, 10.00am
Christmas Carol service in Croom, 10.30am.
No service in Kilpeacon or Adare.